Friday, May 27, 2011

Listening to the Whispers of "That Small Voice"

As you guys know, the United States has been experiencing major tornado outbreaks the last month. As a matter of fact, today marks the one month anniversary of the seasons first outbreak, April 27, 2011 in our state of Alabama. Looking back to four weeks ago, God's ability to know all things (omniscience), is what stands out the most to me today. I know there have to be a plethora of stories of God's omniscience out there from survivors, but this was ours on the unaffected side of things.

My family of four had spent the Sunday three days prior, which was Easter Sunday, with my husband's family at his home church, which is always a big tradition! This clan of approximately 20 folks are ALWAYS expected to be there from near or far, for the annual family Easter pic.  
My kids with Uncle D. at Easter

Their home church is located in one of Birmingham's western suburbs and is one of only two large churches in that particular community. We also lived in this neighborhood for seven years and it has, and always will be, sentimental as our first home as a married couple, the community where our children still call home, where my husband grew up, graduated high school, and his family still lives today. Despite that all, I thought it extremely odd when the Lord pressed it upon my heart, more like pounded it, to donate a particular amount of money specifically to the church's food pantry during our visit.

It seemed odd to me due to the back story leading up to Easter Sunday. My husband has worked for the same employer for 13 years or so, and he has NEVER had a delayed paycheck. Not only was the check delayed once when it accidentally went to the wrong state, but it got delayed in another when the plane had mechanical difficulties, and I don't even remember what the third issue was, but it was bizarre. My husband and I debated all week whether or not to head over for the traditional Easter Sunday with the family because gas money was surely an issue and we had not even been able to purchase our annual new Easter clothes and candy baskets and I wanted us to look perfect for that family photo! We decided to go and during the church service, I was literally arguing my case with the Lord about why I simply could not write this check, especially for this amount to this church's food pantry. I tell Him, "I will do it next week when surely we would have received it by then," No, this was not sufficient for Him. He spoke to me again.

"I will make it for even more than you are asking me, if I can just wait a week," No, He didn't settle for this either.

"I will do it at the church where our membership is located, it is a little closer to home which would allow me more time. The paycheck has been delayed three times already, I simply cannot do what you are asking me to do."

The Lord spoke to me with extreme urgency and said, "It cannot wait a week, it has to be THIS church, TODAY."

Well I finally decided to be in obedience and walk by faith, wrote out the check an hour later at the conclusion of the service and passed it along to the pastor's wife very casually mentioning that I had post-dated it a few days out, and to have a Happy Easter.

Thursday morning after tuning into the TV to see the first images drizzle in from around our Birmingham community and our state from the storms the evening before, I was stunned to see one the hardest hit areas was indeed part of this west Birmingham suburb where we had spent Easter Sunday.

My immediate feeling was that of shock, God was right! That check didn't need to wait a week and it did in fact need to be that community. No God doesn't want my money, He wants my obedience to do what He says and WHEN He says to do it and He was right on every account, this time it just happen to involve money. Immediately my husband's home church was able to utilize its resources taking bottled water to these neighbors and the gospel of Jesus Christ with it.

I don't know why I was shocked. However, I guess I always am in same way when it comes to our Lord. Shock that He can and wants to use US for His glory, lead us beside the still waters (Psalm 23), plans to prosper us, giving us a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11), and to be with us always, even until the end of the age (Matt. 28: 20), just lots of reasons to be amazed by Him and did I mention that He is more powerful than any storm? Yes, even the wind and the sea obey Him (Matt: 8: 27). Just as amazing though, his omniscience to know all that is past, present and future (Psalm 147:5 & Acts 15:18)

What is He telling YOU in His infinite wisdom today? I promise it will benefit you and maybe even those around you.
Have a great Friday,