Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kingdom Kalls Part 2

Within days of becoming well, I scooped up my Bible with gratitude. I honestly felt like Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Waking up I had a new goal to prioritize my time, REALLY prioritize. Like you, a lot of opportunities come my way & I felt like I WAS a good steward of my time. However, now I had a new measuring stick to help me even further because God had given me a word for which to gauge my commitments along with a sense of urgency. Everything to which I would now strive to commit would be measured against this word.

My word was "reach" and a sense of urgency accompanied it.  Are the things that I am committing to helping to reach people for the kingdom of heaven, and I mean really reach, not be satisfied that I was active in my church and ministering on my mission field at home as a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother alone. Seeking God and sharing Him had to become my full-time occupation. I was even more burdened than before to know God's Word so that I could share it, everyday to someone, somewhere. I needed it. Others needed it. It was life and I couldn't be caught up in being busy ONLY serving the same people around me all the time. Please don't misunderstand, I realize my family is my first responsibility and therefore my first priority. However, God was calling me to drop other THINGS in exchange for other PEOPLE, His lost people. God had given me a sense of claustrophobia in my regular circles, all of them. Being in bed sick for seven weeks had shown me that it was uncomfortable to lay around and do nothing. Yes, rest is important and yes relaxing is enjoyable, but I felt I had been relaxing the last yr so now it was time to get busy. I was healthy again and I felt a renewed sense to submerge myself in His Word, to put Him first in the morning and just sit there and soak Him in so I could share it with others everywhere.

Because God knows I am a visual person, several pictures were forming in my mind that carried the same theme so I knew it was Him working in my heart. I had visions of a modern day emergency room triage nurse & a telephone operator from some old black and white movie. I asked myself what the two had in common. I realized in order to do their jobs, they had to focus and prioritize.

Obviously, everyone needing a triage nurse assessment was sick. But there were those that were dying. Every phone call that came into one of the old timey operators was important, but there were those that were urgent. I could picture myself alongside these imaginary ladies too. Everything was important, but which calls were urgent? Where these the calls I would answer first? I too had to focus and prioritize to a level that made it a skill, just like these pictures in my heart.
And now that I knew the questions, what were my answers? Thankfully, I knew that too. I would answer the urgent calls, the kingdom kalls. Sometimes, it just took something for God to get our attention, maybe a health scare or maybe even just a misspelled word (kalls.) Have a great day!

Sitting at the masters feet,

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